Monday, March 16, 2009

What a great day!!!

Wow, the weather is SO beautiful this week! We spent almost all day outside. Well, after noon, at least. Jack had two baths today because he got so dirty playing in the garden! Here are some things we accomplished today.

We finally planted some tomato plants in our homemade upside-down planters. Actually, we still have to finish the other 5 (out of 9), but those will be done in about 10 minutes tomorrow. We just ran out of daylight! We just ended up using gallon water jugs and a couple of juice bottles. They should work just fine. It was so easy to do. We didn't even follow any directions. I just hung them with yarn, so we'll probably have to redo the string later or just lay them on the ground or something. We'll see how it goes. We're not going to leave the tomato plants here on the fence, but we haven't decided where to put them permanently yet. I know it's hard to see the tomato plants with all the other greenery around. LOL!

We also planted 85 Walla Walla onions, over a dozen different kinds of lettuces, two different radishes, mustard, thyme, marigold and dill.

Now if we can just keep the cats from walking through and knocking down the onions or rolling through the seeds, they should grow just fine!

Next we'll move on to the back yard and start digging a garden area back there where it is more sunny. In the back yard we will plant some melons (cantaloupe and watermelon), possibly some different kinds of tomatoes, carrots, garden huckleberry, birdhouse gourd, pumpkins, squash, sweet corn, cucumbers, sugar snap peas and, of course, OKRA! Wow, I'm not sure if I can keep up with all this or not! I'd better be more diligent about training the kids on how to garden! They all helped out, including Jack, and they loved it. It was a great time, but they also wanted to ride their bikes. :)

Speaking of riding bikes, Jayla wanted to take her training wheels off. She's been asking for a while now. So when I was working on Jacob's bike (then Daddy ended up fixing it!), I took them off for her. She rode a little bit by herself! She's not got the hang of it just yet, but she is close. I'm sure she'll be riding like a pro in a week, especially with more beautiful days ahead!

About the only other thing we did today was played the Wii. Daddy and the boys are having a competition on the Tanks game (Wii Play) and Myles is up to 49 tanks now! They were hootin' and hollerin' like no one else could hear them. I enjoy hearing them have such a great time together. :)


  1. Where did you get your seeds for all your different lettuces? Or did you buy small plants?

    I have a chance to sell at the Blanchard farmers market and there is a big demand for lettuce. I don't even know much about lettuce or cutting it or herbs either. I just never grew those things. I could use any info or tips on those if you have any to give away.

    They are opening the farmers market the first weekend of May so I don't have much time to learn about lettuce!

    The tomato containers looked cool.We hung ours last yr w/the old wire hangers that we don't use anymore.Hope that helps. Our tomato hangers didn't survive but the ones we planted in the ground did and they didn't even start blooming until Sept. WEIRD! I know but when they did there were tons of tomatoes. We even spanked them to make them pollinate faster but that didn't help. Oh well! Trying again this yr!

    Glad you guys had fun today! TTYL!

  2. ZK built me 2 raised beds (with free lumber) and we are going back to get the rest to finish them. So along with the garden at my grandma's we will have raised beds here. We have so many weeds that I thought the beds might work the best. Plus you can 1 ton of garden ready soil at Minick Materials for $40. With the free lumber that makes it a good deal.

    We are going to plant different things over here than at my grandma's. Like artichokes,pumpkins,cantaloupe, and corn. But ABSOLUTELY NO okra. My family will just have to eat it at grandma's who is growing a ton.

    Maybe we will need to trade things sometimes if we get over abundances of anything.

  3. wow! sounds like your garden is gonna be HUGE! you'll have to send some tips my way - I want to do some container gardening, need to do more research! that way - I don't have to repair yard/grass! I can't wait to see pics of the growing crops!


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