Monday, March 9, 2009

Lifeschooling moment

The other day we were driving along in the van, after I had just bought some little 10 ounce sugary drinks for each of the kids (excluding Jack), when Jonathan told me he knew how many calories were in 3 bottles of the drinks. I smiled and asked him how many and he said there were 270......"I think." So I asked him how he came up with that number and he said, kind of in a "duh" tone, "I did the math!" He told me that the label said there were 90 calories per bottle, so he multiplied that by three, or added 90 three times, and came up with the correct answer! :)

He loves math too, although he doesn't express that as much as Jayla does! He has also been doing some multiplication and division since he was 6 years old. We just use it a lot in everyday life and we play games and cook, go grocery shopping, etc. where they pick it up along the way. It does come naturally to some kids and not as easily to others just like any other area in life, but as I have seen so clearly twice now, math, one of the main "subjects" that people are so concerned about their children learning, can be learned without any formal, structural training. It is so rewarding to be able to see them learn through everything in life. :)

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