Monday, March 9, 2009

political ramblings

This stuff just makes me sick. Here I go on a rant.

It doesn't really make me mad. I'm past the anger phase. I already expected things like this would happen as soon as Obama was elected. There is always a glimmer of hope, but I am not surprised at all.

What doesn't make sense to me though is the thought process of a liberal. Most liberals promote "going green", for example, and in and of itself there is nothing wrong with that! I am drawn towards it myself, but the difference is the motive. I want to be a good steward of the world Jehovah God created for me!

"They" seem to have twisted, weird reasons that don't make sense. I say that because in one breath they want to save the whales and all kinds of plants and animals, and yet they strongly encourage "a woman's right to choose", a.k.a. murdering human babies. Didn't the woman already make her choice when she DECIDED not to keep her legs closed?

I'm sorry to be so blunt, maybe I am still a little angry after all! Save the whales, kill the's such a twisted way of thinking.

Another that I don't get.....I myself am not eager to go to war and feel that not all wars are really necessary, but don't people understand that in order to achieve peace, there must be war? I get what they're trying to do, but other cultures and even many people in our own country just won't listen to any "peace talks", and they have very strong feelings, usually religious, which will never allow peace!

I really don't want to go on because it makes me mad to think about it, but I wanted to share that link in case someone missed the news. It is just another reminder how much we need to pray for our leaders!


  1. I hae to disagree with this, because they aren't babies. They are only cells at this point 4-5 days old. There is nothing formed to make it a baby, but it is enough to hopefully save an already formed very alive person or baby.
    Would you feel the same if you saw a loved one that was suffering instead of being cured by stem cells?

  2. That is the lie that Satan wants us to believe, that they are "only cells". What are we made of though? Cells! From the moment of conception, there is a living, growing being inside us. That is LIFE. That is a baby, regardless of what you choose to call it. And yes, I would still feel the same if a loved one were dying who could possibly be helped by the research. Why? Because I don't believe it is morally right to take one life, regardless of how it was created, to save another one.

    Anyway, there are stem cells that can be used from other sources such as adult stem cells, stems cells from umbilical cords and stem cells in breast milk!

    Hey, we're still friends, right? LOL! It's okay to disagree, and I appreciate your openness. :)

  3. I have to agree with Cindy. They are fertalized life- they have the potential for life as a sentient being unless something stops it.

    A thought on the war portion of your post:
    Except for ending slavery, fascism, nazism and communism, war has never solved anything.

    That's not original, btw- I got it from

  4. Ok then, I will have to agree to disagree with both of you then. Maybe I should live in California....
    but you can't convince me that cells in a petri dish are the same as an already living breathing feeling human being.
    Amoeba's are cells too...

    I think you are wrong that if one of your children were suffering from cancer you wouldn't want a dish of cells that don't feel a thing to help in curing your child. I think you should read about people who have lost a child to cancer or diabetes and the needlss suffering and crying. Think about that, really. Go watch the videos of the poor innocent children that die on a daily basis because there is no cure for them.
    What makes a dish of cells rank higher than an alive suffering baby?????
    Obviously the cells in milk are not the you think people are jus out to grow cells and destroy them when breast milk is so readily available?
    That not an argument.

    As for the war part. That doesn't make sense to me.
    You would rater sacrifice a son, daughter, mother or father in war that will leave children parentless, physically and emotionally hurt yet you care about non feeling cells.
    War is not necessary. You have such a passion for living beings, why don't you campaign for ending war and the senseless killing there instead of the reasearchto cure dying babies, mothers and fathers?
    Yes, of course we are still friends, but w will always disagree on political things my dear.


Please respectfully share your own passionate thoughts.