Friday, March 27, 2009

Acee the moth and Jonathan the Moth Hunter!

Jonathan found a Lunar moth yesterday and named him Acee (like the letters, A.C.). We took pictures, videos and learned all about the Actias luna from this site. Check it out! The pictures and description of the entire life cycle are amazing!

After looking on this site, we recognized the caterpillar. We saw this caterpillar just a few weeks ago only a few feet away from where we found the moth yesterday! These are not common in our area, so we're assuming it was Acee in the pupa stage! How cool! :)
first picture of Acee when we first discovered him

Some information from another site here:
The short adult life span of the Luna moth is related to their adaptive coloration. Moths and butterflies are either procryptic, with colors and markings that match the native environment and conceal the insect, or aposematic, with vibrant colors that draw attention to denote that the insect is poisonous or tastes bad. The survival strategy of the two types results in differences in longevity. The aposematics live longer than the procryptics in order to condition predators to the visual warning. The procryptics die as quickly as possible so that predators will not be able to figure out how to detect them. Saturniids are represented by both types; studies have revealed that the procryptics fly more so as to exhaust themselves and die quickly while the aposematics conserve their energy. Luna Moths are procryptic.

So Jonathan has all these different nature books and he had read this before and remembered something about them being poisonous. So he took this video and really, truly believed he was in danger!!! It was so hard not to crack up when I was watching it! It sort of reminds me of a young Crocodile here he is;

The Moth Hunter!

As you can see in the pictures below, they did learn that the moth was not poisonous to us!

Now Jonathan wants to be the only one to hold him. We decided to go ahead and keep it inside through the weekend since it will be so cold. We can't find Acee right now, so I think maybe he got into the attic. He's probably better off in there than outside right now! If we do find him, we'll put him back outside on Sunday after the snow storm passes!


  1. Wow, that is so pretty and big! I am glad that the caterpillar didn't get stepped on before! Jonathan did a good job with the Camera!

  2. OM Gosh that video is soooooooooooo funny! I absolutely love it! So cute!
    Thanks for all the cool info, too! It's wonderful the kids are so involved and interested in God's creation!

  3. you are so right, totally a young crocodile hunter! quite the cinematographer you have there! he looks/sounds so different from the last time I saw him ... or, at least, how I remember him! love this, so awesome! that's a pretty cool moth too - I'll have to show this to Annicka!

  4. Awesome! My husband used to be just like that when he was younger.He knows many insect/bug! species! Yes I consider a butterfly a bug b/c they creep me out when they fly near my face! LOL! It's really funny to think that I have survived living in the country! I can't stand things that crawl or fly around me.Ok, I just gave myself the shivers! LOL! Anyways I do think they are pretty to look at from a pic or pinned to a Styrofoam board! ;o)

    Looks like you guys had fun learning! That's what life should be about!

  5. Oh I love Lunar Moths one of my favourites. I found one sitting on my door the other night! Here is a picture of the Lunar Moth


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