Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Bloggy fun!

Alright, I'm not sure who might actually use this, but I was just having some fun. So if you feel like it, copy and paste this html code into your sidebar to link back here! :) It will just show the picture and will go to this link when you click on the image, it won't have the code. Yea! Fun stuff!

Send me a picture of your blog or web site and I will gladly customize your own code!



  1. I LOVE it! I wanna get a new family picture and then I will probably have you make ME one...or teach ME how to do it! :o) How fun!

  2. That is so neat Cindy! You are really getting so computer savy!
    I'd love for you to give me a code to do that. I can't even get my own name back on my blog! DUH!
    Course I need "someone" to take a pic of the kids sometime.... :-)


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