Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sorry I haven't blogged on here in a while but I have to copy my post from my blog to this one.I just wanted to share the love of learning of what my daughter has always loved doing.The point of this also is that she learned the training herself and the training paid off.

Ok, I have to blog this.Yesterday on our way out the driveway to go to church we saw that the neighbors horse Pepper was out.We knew that he would soon end up in our yard b/c he always likes to come bother our horse Penny(a female).So we couldn't call him(the owner) b/c he had already left for church.By the time we got out of church he was in our yard.Well, Britt called the neighbor and he said he would come home and get him.BTW, he goes to church all the way over by the Dell corp building in OKC.So it was going to take him a while to get home.

Ok so he gets here and the horse(he's really just a large pony) just runs from the guy.Of course he is going to run from the guy b/c that guy starves him and beats him.And yes we and everyone else has called the authorities on him for animal cruelty.

So anyways here is the part that Britt is so proud of.In the past Britt is the one that broke this horse and she has shown this horse tender loving care.Ok, so Britt just walks partially up to the horse and says come here Pepper and the horse practically runs to her b/c he loves her.All horses seem to love her.Another reason why she was meant to be a horse girl.

I just had to blog that.Not a real big deal just her and I both are real proud of her being who she is and what she does for animals.Like me I guess! Giving shots to my dying goat at midnight to save her life! W/Britt holding the goat down while I give her the shots! LOL! I guess I taught all that animal love to her while she was growing up!


  1. That is so cool, Nicole! Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. On my short goat story,I forgot to add that I'm not into vaxing my animals but one of the vaxes was vitamin B complex.And the vaxes saved her life and that's what counts.I did not want her to suffer and Tony said if she wasn't better soon then he was going to shoot her so I had to do something quick to save her life either way!

    Ok I'm done! Bye! LOL!

  3. Nicole, thanks for visiting my blog! congrats on the new little one; they always keep life full of joy and excitement! blessings :)

  4. Hi Nicole,

    Thanks for sharing that with us! Amen & amen!

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