Thursday, March 19, 2009


I've never done this meme, mostly because I think I would probably put all the great qualities I see in Myles in the first post that would end up being 10,000 words and then not be able to think of anything new the next time. That's my excuse anyway. Really I'm not one to follow the crowds. Usually.

But this time I have to make an exception, because MY husband TOTALLY rocks!!!!

Myles is so great in difficult circumstances. He is truly holding us together. I can't even go into all the details from the last year, but just the last two days he has really been my hero.

Yesterday he freaked out a little when Jack stopped breathing (as to be expected!), but he was able to act quickly and think clearly and hold everything together. He was so sweet with Jack. In fact, he was playing with Jack when he started the seizure. Jack loves playing with him and taking naps with him. They seem to have a special bond. :)

Today after Jonathan came in and told us he broke the windshield, I started to come unglued. Jonathan started crying and I had to remind myself that he surely wouldn't have done it on purpose. Myles calmed him down and said, "Let's go take a look." He came back in by himself, told me it was completely gone and just started cracking up. He told me, "Honey, you have to laugh!" He actually did make me smile.....I'll laugh when we get the stupid thing replaced!

Anyway, if it weren't for my wonderful husband, I would be in a mental hospital right now. So that is why MY HUSBAND TOTALLY ROCKS! :)

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