Saturday, March 21, 2009

Perfect unschooling example!

This sort of thing happens often with my own kids! Pretty much every day for at least one of them. They have such deep thoughts based on their daily activities!

original source

by Norma

Yesterday was a nice unschooling day.

We had a busy day Monday so we decided to just stay home and get some organizing of the toys & games done.

As usual for this kind of chore, Jacky helped for about an hour then got distracted and went outside. I was watching her through the window as she went from our swingset to the tire swing to the tree swing and back again. Several times she made her circuit, each time apparently trying to get as high as she could then swinging her legs until she was making lazy circles in the air.

She would swing with legs outstretched, then bent. She would twist up the swing and then spin until she was dizzy.

This went for about an hour and a half.

She then came in and informed me of the following:

It is impossible to swing in a square or a triangle.

When you go real high you hang in the air for a second until you start down.

Legs outstretched make you go slow - bent goes faster. She thinks this may be due to the fact that with legs bent, your middle [center] is closer to your body and you are smaller so you can go around more times in one "twist".

When you spin in the tire swing it must be like how it feels to the earth spinning. It's hard to stretch out your arms but easy to hold them to your side. This must be why we don't fly off the world.

When you get dizzy it's because the fluid stuff in your ear is still spinning even when you get off. It makes you feel sick because your brain is getting mixed messages and is trying to adjust.

Poodles do not like to swing.

Not bad for 90 minutes of swinging and doing nothing.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing this! VERY encouraging! :D


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