Friday, March 6, 2009

Is this what preaching has become? (postmodernism)

Based on Craig Groeschel's own blog entry from last summer, it seems that he doesn't have a problem with this other pastor using his own stories as his own. He just simply did not give Craig credit for the story, but apparently was given permission to use it.

Craig Groeschel has this "core value" that Christians should do "anything short of sin" to bring glory to God. Honestly, do you think that jumping up and down on the ledge of a skyscraper is bringing glory to God or bringing anyone to Christ? It's not sin, is it? That's a silly example, but I'm just sayin'!

I have at least two problems with this way of thinking. The first is obvious, and that is the fact that this other pastor is using the story as if it is his own story from his own childhood. That is lying. Everyone who hears it assumes it is his own, so he is deceiving others. Is that not sin? It appears that Craig is condoning this!

My other problems with postmodernism and mega churches are many. I will just say that this is not what God intended His church to be. How can a pastor truly shepard his flock if he doesn't even know them?

When Chrys and I went to the Flylady conference last weekend, it was held at a church building. This was a fairly large church, and I used to actually be a member there several years ago. The ladies we sat next to asked us if we attended there. It kind of rubbed us wrong because we believe that churches in general are just getting too large so that no one, especially the pastor, can possibly know everyone else. There at least needs to be much more accountability and delegation if nothing else as opposed to Craig's position which seems to be a CEO of a franchise church.

Postmodernism is a scary thing and most Christians have not even heard this word or know what it means. There is a lot of truth taught in postmodernism, but it is intertwined with lies, which all sound good at the surface (anything short of sin), but end up misleading so many people. Postmodernism interprets the Bible based on your individual circumstances, so one passage may mean something to one person and something completely different to another. It also involves a lot of "enlightenment" or new revelations. So what Christians have believed and taught for 1800+ years is not true??? Suddenly the pastors of the 21st century have all the right answers? Think about it. Does it really make sense? God does not change, so why would these new beliefs be better or more accurate than before?

Check out these great links to get some sound doctrine in your brain (and heart). I may add these to my sidebar!

Way Of The Master

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