Sunday, April 19, 2009


Myles and Jonathan have the camera at Cub Scout camp, so I couldn't get any pictures of all the fun we had today!

So if you will imagine with me what I would have taken pictures of......

Imagine freshly dug up ground, dark brown to almost black, about 3 feet across and 10-12 feet long (I didn't measure). I am sitting right in the middle with Jack. He is "helping" me pull weeds but mostly throwing tiny handfuls of dirt. :)

Another snapshot: Same scene but now we are covering each other with this dark, rich, soft soil. He started it!

Now picture, if you will, a feeding trough that is all rusted, sitting in the middle of the yard. (The yard, by the way, is full of weeds and desperately needs to be mowed.) In the trough is dirt left over from last year's garden (the kids planted some things in it) and a few weeds and over 100 bugs. Jayla counted 108, mostly ladybugs, grubs, roly polies and earth worms. This is their new bug collection. The bugs they had a couple of days ago for some reason were gone (hmmm, wonder lid?), so they had to recollect them!

Okay, back to the garden where I am sitting in the middle still. Violet came outside for a bit. She heard Rocket barking at the neighbor and had to investigate for herself. On her way back in, she sat right in front of me so I would pet her, and she wouldn't move!

Next Rocket came and joined her, right smack dab in the middle of my beautiful dirt.

The garden is next to the wooden fence, and right on the other side is somewhere around 200-300 chickens and a few turkeys. They can be pretty noisy! Jack recently rediscovered them (I'm sure he didn't remember them from last summer), and he is really enjoying looking through the cracks to watch them walk around. Another snapshot moment. :)

Well, I had more, but it has been hours and I can't remember what the other snapshot moments were now. We had a great time outside though, and loads of fun inside too, but it mostly consisted of the Wii and and Jack and I singing together. :)

More fun tomorrow! The kids have their first track & field meet just as soon as the boys get home from camp!!!! They'd better hurry, 'cause I want the camera for that!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds really fun.We have those days too.

    I never really thought about the chickens being loud but I guess when you have a lot of them then I guess they would be! Mine are quiet except when they are fixing to lay then they get loud but it's only for a minute.We also used to live next to a turkey farm out in Chickasha.But the turkey barns were far enough away from our property that you couldn't here them really.


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