Friday, December 5, 2008

The "S" word!

We were out today, visiting with some ladies from a local church, and one lady we were talking with heard that we homeschool. She was very nice, but she was concerned about "socialization". I just had to laugh because my kids were all there talking to these ladies right along with me, and she was concerned that they may not be getting enough socialization? LOL!

I'm sorry, I know this topic is tiring at times, but I just had to give that perfect example of how uneducated (pardon the pun) people are about homeschooling!

My kids go everywhere with me, for the most part. The exceptions are when my husband is home and I want to just run a quick errand or want time by myself, but otherwise I always seem to have them with me. I don't mind at all. That is how I prefer it. They are learning right along beside me. I'm living a "real life", so they are learning what "real life" is. It is not sitting at a desk for 6 (or more!) hours a day,

Now, I'm not putting down our education system, well, maybe a little, but I just feel so strongly that homeschooling for most people is so much better than our culture's education system! I'll stop there. I've said all this before, and I think I've made my point. LOL!
Here are a few other blogs about socialization among homeschoolers. Enjoy!
Heart of Wisdom
Homeschooling is Life
Eclectic Parent
Great article by Lisa Russell
There are MANY more!


  1. I do think you are right, amazing things can be learned following mommy in the every day of life. There are also usually plenty of outings to socialize in. I do see some homeschoolers around me being sheltered what I may think is too much (some who cannot even be anywhere w/o thier mom at a elementary level development) but that is really between them and thiers.
    We stopped homeschooling after 5 years of doing so, and have put our kids in puplic school this year (all three 10, 7, and 5) and I can say they HAVE learned some great social skills they did not have before. My kindergartner is not as much of an introvert, and my 5th grader has learned more that the world does not revolve around her. I too was worried about them "sitting in a desk for six hours" but they really don't. Especially in the lower grades. They play a lot, have PE, get up and do projects in the classroom, play games, grown butterflies right in the classroom and are done by early afternoon with plenty of time to play at home. Most homeschoolers I know are doing school longer than we are because there are multiple children and it takes most of the day. I think just as some public school mom's create these visions in thier heads (as I did), so also the homeschool mom's can do the same for public school.
    My kids socialization increase has been good for them, and it's been good for me to stretch and meet people unlike me and needing Christ as well.
    There are some aspects of them getting to be with me that I miss but there are lots of blessings too.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Alicia! I am glad public school is working for your family. I do think you are the exception though.

    I know that socialization definitely takes place in public schools, but much of it is negative. Most of the learning that takes place there is from other peers, and most of that is things I do not want my children exposed to, at least not this young.

    I did not have a horrible experience in public (or 4 years of private) school myself, but I definitely remember things that I heard and saw that my parents would never have approved of......if they had known about it! I believe it is our duty, as parents, to shelter our chidren from the things of the world until they are able to handle it, and if they are not homeschooled, you will have no control over this

    Everyone homeschools for different reasons, and in some cases MANY reasons, so if public school is working for your, for what you desire for you children, then that is great! I'm sure that they will turn out fine since their parents have already been through it and turned out just fine. :).


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