Friday, May 29, 2009

To do list --

There are several things we've been wanting to make/do, so I'm putting them down here as a reminder and a reference. Please feel free to add other things to it in the comments. Be sure to put a recipe or a link!
  1. sidewalk chalk
  2. sidewalk paint
  3. bubbles
  4. play dough, various kinds
  5. imitation floam
  6. several different types of kites
  7. more hula hoops
  8. bubbles and wands
  9. a homemade version of a splash pad
  10. several different sewing projects, mostly a quilt and skirts
  11. tons and tons of scrapbooking
  12. various recipes in the kitchen
  13. lots of cool science experiments
  14. go camping
  15. hiking
  16. geocaching
  17. fishing
  18. go to the zoo (maybe 2 or 3 different zoos/rescue places)
  19. science museum and other museums
  20. many other various crafts!
  21. I know this one is huge, but I really want to build some kind of cob structure, possibly a doghouse or a stove!
There is a lot more I'd like to do. As I was making the list more things kept coming to mind. But these right here are the main things I have been thinking about for a while and just haven't gotten around to it yet (or again).


  1. This gave me some ideas too. I am looking forward to taking the kids to pick fresh fruits this year. I want to go to an Apple orchard, strawberry patch, and whatever else we can think of like that. I remember my mom taking me to a strawberry patch when I was young and want them to have that memory too.

  2. i'm gonna have to try that floam stuff. That looks really cool. That stuff is so expensive! So my plans are to do that, change out another light fixture, try lotion again(i'll need a preservative first), and sew some kind of dress up clothes for the girls.....don't know how much of that will actually happen.


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