Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jonathan's tooth!

It FINALLY came out! It was really bugging me! Haha! I actually pulled it out, but I was just trying to see how loose it was. I knew it was loose and has been ready to come out for a while, but it hurt him when he wiggled it. Well, I decided to try something different and I pulled down on it rather than out like he usually did, and it just popped off! We were both shocked!

So now his mouth looks weird because he has this "just-pulled-a-tooth" hole sort of on the front of his gums since his other tooth was pushing it out, and you can already see his new tooth in its proper place. Dangit! I was really wanting to get some professional pictures of him with no front teeth, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. :(

If this kind of thing grosses you out, then don't look at the next pictures, at least not too closely. This was soon after it was pulled, but it has already stopped bleeding. Oh, and he had been swimming, so he's all wet and shiny. :)


  1. wow! it always amazes me how different kids are ... Annicka was missing her front teeth at just past six - I remember how adorable I thought that was! How many teeth has he lost now?

  2. I think he's lost 5 now, with a 6th one barely hanging on! Jayla is about to turn 7 and is just now getting her first loose tooth. Jonathan's first one he lost was about 7 and 3 months.

  3. That is too weird. Just a few days ago Loreli lost the same tooth the same way. She'd been letting it dangle for a while but i was afraid she'd choke on it so i had Daddy hold her down while i check it. I barely touched it ad it stayed on my finger. She had been so afraid i was going to pull it. Silly thing.....


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