Thursday, May 28, 2009

Challenging a gifted child

Okay, now I've never had any of my kids tested, and I hesitate to label my own children for a few reasons, but we've always thought that Jonathan is very intelligent. One of the earliest things I remember him doing was when he was barely a year old he knew his colors before he could say them. You could tell him to get the yellow car and he would get it right every time. Now, I know many kids can do this, but my other children didn't pick it up nearly that quickly. Anyway, that was just the first thing I remember, but there were many more things, like teaching himself how to read when he was three. Then I expected that to happen with all my kids! Hahahahaha!!!! Then he tried to tackle the book Eragon at the age of 6, but after a few pages it was too overwhelming for him and he stopped. It was a great attempt though!

So now he is 9 years old. We completely unschool, which I plan to always do, but up until now we have done very little structured activities. I have NO intentions of ever going to "school-at-home" or even close to it, but I want to find some things that he enjoys that will challenge his bright little mind! Quite honestly he has been annoying the heck out of me lately, and I think it's because he needs more. I think he's easily bored. He needs more to challenge him, not just occupy his time.

He likes playing the piano and wants to learn the guitar, but I'm not sure how he would do with lessons. We did violin when he was 5, and he never wanted to practice, he just enjoyed playing on his own terms (his own time and music). I can't fault him for that, I am the same way, but if he won't practice with very little prodding from me (because I want it to be fun for him), then I don't want to waste our time or money. So does anyone know of other ways besides just traditional lessons that he might enjoy learning?

Another thing he enjoys is Legos! I've already talked to him about this, and he is very excited! I want to buy him a new Lego set every couple of weeks or so and have him keep them somewhere just for him to use, no one else. I'd like for him to practice following directions and putting each set together, and then he can take them apart if he wants and mix all the sets together and make his own creations. He's played with Legos before, but we are never able to keep them around because they don't get put away or get mixed up with all the other toys.....and one by one they get tossed. So this will work, I think, if we can just come up with a place he can store his things for his use only. He's old enough that he needs some things that are just his. It'll be good in several ways. :)

There is also a Lego Club that we are a part of but haven't been to in a while. We'll try to go in June. The kids really enjoy that!

So I've never had a 9-year-old boy before. So far he's pretty typical. He loves super heroes, guns, fighting, Ninjas, etc. He has already written and illustrated his own comic book, so I'm sure he would love to do more of that. I want to challenge him in other areas though and introduce him to things he may not know exist! I think he would LOVE robotics, and I plan to look into that, but it might be too expensive for us to do right now.

So can you all expose me to other ideas that I have not thought of or may not be aware of? Thanks!!!

photo courtesy of


  1. My mind is completely drawing a blank, but being that you unschool - dare I suggest maybe some sort of educational game that might teach facts of some sort? The only other thing I can think of is maybe something to do with math - a game or something, that really engages the mind! I just figure that if it's part of "school" type learning then he could not only be challenged but memorize some stuff too? I dunno - not great suggestions - sorry. :(

  2. At one time Jennifer V. from the HOM group sold those educational games.You could probably talk w/her.I loved playing those games myself and you also learned. If I could have afforded them at the time I would have bought some.I think she found out about them through that one conference she went to.I forgot which one sorry.Anyways both my older kids loved those games too.

    Britt was and still is my kid that I have to keep challenged or she gets bored real easy.Britt started out singing the abc song when she was barely 2 yo.She would stand at the top of the slide and sing but if she thought you were watching her she would stop! LOL!Then it went to her reading at end of 3yo to early 4.I had put her in a private school b/c i had no clue that I could homeschool let alone unschool.She went on to being the smartest kid in school for a whole three yrs in public school but the teachers there couldn't figure out why she was so bored w/what they were doing and getting out of her seat and talking to people.But from those three yrs the PS system messed things up for her.

    So now I have to help her at times but yet help challenge her.She is 15 now and constantly says I'm Bored! And she asks me what can I do?She actually wants to do some kind of book work but anytime I get her something like that it doesn't last.She always gets bored w/it and lays it down so then I wasted my money on it.

    So the best thing I can suggest is the games for learning.It keeps them challenged yet learning and having fun at the same time too.



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