Saturday, May 23, 2009

Happy Birthday, Jonathan!

Okay, I'm pretty late on this. May 4th was my oldest son's birthday. I was going to just write something about him, but I am so far behind on blogging that I'm just going to post pictures.

The day was rainy, so we ended up just going by ourselves to the natural history museum. There was free admission that day, and it is Jonathan's favorite museum because he loves the dinosaurs.

We always start off with this:

And here is what they were laying under!

On to the dinosaurs:

This is just gross, but Jonathan insisted we get a picture!

Jonathan had to chase after Jack a few times. I thought this was cute. When Jonathan picked him up, he just started staring at the ceiling and pointing and talking. So much to see!

Jacob and Jack trying out the chewing motions of a dinosaur jaw bone. Some chew up and down and some chew side to side.

And then the animals native to Oklahoma....there were quite a few, so I'll just post some of my favs.

Crawdads (or crayfish or crawfish if you're not from around here)

cotton tail rabbit

Prairie dog

Rattle snake!

Red fox and den of babies below

Buffalo / Bison (They look real, don't they?)

Jacob is bird watching here. At the time it was pretty funny, but I guess you had to be there. :)

Afterward we met Daddy at a pizza place and stuffed ourselves with pizza and played some games.

Later that afternoon Jonathan wanted to make and decorate his own cake from scratch! He did awesome! It was getting late by the time it was done, so he put the icing on it when it was still hot, knowing it would melt. :)

He didn't get any gifts that day, but he said it was the best birthday ever. :) We did have a great time! I can't believe my little baby is already 9 years old! He's half way to adulthood! Oh, where has the time gone?

Jonathan, you sure can be frustrating at times, but you are also a joy to have around, and I wouldn't trade you for the world! We love you and are so proud of who you are and the man God is carving you out to be! :)


  1. Cool our sons are exactly 1 yr apart.Zachs bd is also May 4th. But Zach is 10 this yr.

  2. so neat - what a fun family birthday, those are the best - aren't they! It's just too crazy how quickly these kids are growing up - Annicka is 8 1/2 now, so crazy ... I think she was almost three and Jonathan was three when I first met you! WOW! miss being closer and able to go out for girl time and chatting ... and getting together with kids too :(


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