Monday, May 25, 2009

Howling puppies

The pups were only about 2 1/2 weeks old here. I'm not sure what got them started howling, but it was cute, so I had to get a video. :)


  1. When I was viewing this my 3yo got a big smile on her face and Zach was like what in the world!


  2. Hey, I just wanted to pop in and say Hi. I haven't talked to you in a while and I was missing you.

  3. Hi Cindy,
    What kind of pups are these? They are adorable. In a couple of your pics (especially the one of the pup on his back) the all white ones look like little polar bears,lol. They are adorable. I like the little one with the brown spots on his head.

  4. They are so cute! I've discovered that sometimes dogs will hear sirens when we don't. That always got our Mastiffs to howling.


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