Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cub Scout camp

Oh, I nearly forgot to post about camp a few weeks ago! These pics were in a different folder!

I can't really tell you much about it since I wasn't there, but Myles and Jonathan both had a really great time. Myles said they did a lot of fun activities, and Jonathan had fun with it all and did a great job. Oh, and I have to mention that Myles got a bulls eye on his very first archery experience! He just laughed and said it was an accident though! I don't think he actually aimed. Ha!!

Jonathan's best friend in Cub Scouts is Johnny (isn't that funny?), and Myles said they were inseparable all weekend. He seems like a sweet kid, so I'm glad they get along well.

He got all 10 shots on the paper!!!
They had to go through the maze without moving the cans.
They learned how to make a gurney.....then they dropped the poor kid!
Jonathan and his daddy slept in the red tent. It is just the perfect size for the two of them.
Getting set up for archery.
The arrow in the middle was from Myles' shot!
They really did have fun, I promise! They were waiting on someone here, I think.
The group that was hiking together.
Click to enlarge.....this was a waterfall!
A better picture of Johnny and Jonathan. :)
Myles took a lot more pictures of the surrounding nature. It really is beautiful there, but I don't want to post them all. Besides, it's one of those "you had to be there" type things. It's always much prettier in person! Plus a lot of his pictures are blurry. Haha!

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