Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today I am not as wise as I was yesterday.

Aren't you supposed to GAIN wisdom as you age? Well, that is true (for most people!), but about 4 years ago I had a couple of new intruders in my life......my upper wisdom teeth! I never thought I'd have them pulled. I never understood why it was "necessary" so often. Well, now I know! And today I feel that order was restored in my mouth. I had them pulled today (Monday).

These last couple of years the inside of my cheeks have been hurting, off and on, because of them. I didn't realize until they were completely in (which took forever) why they kept poking my mouth....they grew in at an angle, and I have really deep grooves (points) on the top of my molars! So since it was only off and on, I wanted to wait a while before I seriously considered having them pulled.

(This is an exciting story, huh?)

So then about a month ago, I had two little pieces of the right tooth chip off! It didn't even hurt at first, but I guess it exposed a nerve, so this last month has NOT been fun! I have had tooth, jaw and ear pain as well as headaches, all on that side. So I made my appointment!

Wouldn't you know it, just a couple of days ago I get one of those awful, can't-open-wide sores in the corner of my mouth. Ugh! They gave me some Vaseline though and I kept stretching it beforehand and it was fine. It's ugly though!

So I was actually more nervous than I was for my 2 c-sections, for some reason, but once we were confident that everything was numb, the worst part of it was over. And I have meds for the pain, so I expect everything will be fine as long as I don't suck on anything (I do not want dry socket!).

The dentist did so great. Some of the teeth chipped off, as to be expected, but over all they were mostly intact! And especially after seeing the roots, I was very impressed!

Look at these guys!

The dentist said he collects weird teeth like this, so I'm going to give them back next time I'm there (in a couple of weeks). I just wanted to show the kids first. He actually showed the other dentist there because the roots are a 90 degree angle! They had fun looking at them.

I can't imagine how my gums would feel if I weren't taking any meds! These guys look evil!

Oh, one more thing. The x-rays showed that my lower left wisdom tooth is just under the surface of the gums, but apparently the lower right one never developed. So at least I still have a little wisdom left! :) I just hope it doesn't give me any troubles, but if I need it pulled someday, I know where to go and what to expect!


  1. Wow! Those are gnarly! I wish I had a picture of my brother's. He had hooks on the end of his!! Glad you're feeling better.

  2. I'll pray for your speedy recovery! I know what a difference it can make getting those puppies outta there - I was 17 when my lower wt were surgically removed (dentist said he wouldn't DARE because they were REALLY bad) and I was thrilled at 29 when I had my upper 2 removed by my AWESOME dentist (I was told that they too would have to come out surgically) and he did a phenomenal job. Ahhhh...relief! :o) Enjoy those pain meds!

  3. I'm having mine out in two weeks. The left top one broke like yours did. The bottom right one has never developed, either! I hope mind don't have roots like yours do!

    Mine didn't start bothering me until this past June. But I was pregnant and my dentist wouldn't remove them without approval of an OB/GYN. But, I don't have one. And I was on my way to Mongolia. So, I kept it flushed out with a water pick and peroxide. And we prayed that they would not give me any trouble and that I'd be able to wait unitl after Saraa's birth.

    Thank you, Lord! They've been OK--even broken! But, it's time to get them out.

  4. I had mine "cut" out before they grew in ... and looking at your post I think I'm ever grateful for that!


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