Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hooray for best friends!!!

I just have the most awesomest best friend in the entire world!

Chrysinda is such a blessing. We've been friends for a little over 3 years now, and though our personalities and preferences are different, she is one of the few people who seems to truly understand and appreciate me! Everyone needs a friend like that, and I didn't know what I was missing until God brought her into my life.

Chrys and I have a lot in common when it comes to lifestyle choices, and the areas we differ in we share a mutual respect for each other's choices. There are not that many people (from my perspective) who actually seem to enjoy hanging out with me and respect who I am, who God made me to be, so I feel completely comfortable around her and just have a blast when we are together. She really keeps me in stitches!

We recently went to a Tai Chi Chih class together at the local Y. She had to leave early because we were clowning around (no one else realized it, I don't think), and she got to where she couldn't control herself anymore, so she excused herself. It's a good thing too because I was about to totally lose it myself! And we're always getting into trouble lately for talking during water aerobics, or one of the men will talk to us and get in trouble. (They're good at that. The men actually talk a lot more than the women!)

Chrys and I are really racking up the inside jokes as time goes by. We are totally in our own world quite often, and I'm sure some people look at us like we're totally weird, but we don't care because we don't even notice! We just continue laughing or dancing or bending a pool noodle like it's an iron bar. (I pity the noodle! You had to be there, but I promise it was funny!)

We also really enjoy studying the Bible together. We have explored so many deep subjects in the last 3 years. We have made some really great friends in different house church groups and now in the church we recently joined (she joined right before we did!), and we all feel like one big happy family. Chrys definitely seems like the sister I never had.

Once I realized what a great blessing Chrys was in my life, I started praying for Myles to have some Christian guy friends who he can hang out with and be accountable to, watch sports with and whatever guys do. I guess they eat, burp and watch sports or play some kind of game system. Anyway, he is getting to know several men in our new church now, and they meet twice a month for a Bible study, which he is thoroughly enjoying, so THANK YOU, GOD! Now he is beginning to experience the same joy and excitement of having someone of the same gender to share things with. :)

So, Chrys, you're so awesome, so loved and so appreciated. You have been such a blessing in my life. Thanks for being you and always being sensitive to others. And thank you for the wonderful afternoon. I really needed it!

Here is a poem I found (because I don't write them!) that is perfect, to you from me. :)

My Best Friend
by Sheri Goodwin

I'm not sure when it happened
But I'm very glad it did
You came into my life when
I really needed a friend

The more I get to know you
The more I know myself
And this is why I'm thankful
For you are just yourself

You and I are different
And in many ways the same
Your good ear, compassionate heart
Will always find you fame

I promise to always be here
Forever and to the end
You are the true definition of
My Very Best Friend!


  1. I am so glad that you have that kind of friend, too! I just met my bf at church a few years ago, but we didn't really get to know each other until late last summer. I LOVE her and we laugh so hard each time we get together! Our kids are not really that close in age, but they enjoy hanging out and Hubby gets to hang out with HER hubby - they get along really well together, too. In fact, we just spent all day yesterday doing a Valentine's double date with them. It was a blast. (If you read my blog I call her Mrs. Pink...) Take care...hope you have a great week!

  2. Aw, Thanks!!!!!! You're my BFF too! It is awesome how God brought us together! Through you I've learned so much, laughed so much and grown closer to others and to God. I wouldn't trade our friendship for the world. God is so Good! Thank you for being my friend.

  3. aawww - that's so sweet! It's great you have such a true friend, I have some issues with the friend thing - but I still have some good friends - lol! You're such a fantastic lady and I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet you and get to know you a little - and I love blogs because I feel like I get to know you even more! God bless us all and our friendships!


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