Wednesday, February 25, 2009

A fun moment!

I've got some "quiet time" to myself, but it's really not all that quiet. The rest of the family is playing the Wii, and they are SO LOUD! I'm glad they're having a good time. I thought about joining them, but I am so tired, and I just wanted to blog about my thoughts and then go to bed!

So anyway, the kids were all taking turns playing one-player games, and then Myles went to join them. Now they are taking turns playing against Daddy! They're just playing the game they call "Tanks" off of Wii Play. It reminds me of Combat on the Atari (which we actually have but rarely play.) Jacob is getting pretty good (for his age) and is the loudest one of the bunch. I occasionally hear Jack cheering someone on. He's so cute. :) We sort of made a rule that when someone else is playing, you have to cheer them on or you don't get to play. We mostly did that FOR Jayla's sake and BECAUSE of Jonathan. For some reason he has a natural desire to be negative toward her when it comes to things like this, and then Jacob follows suit, and Jayla is very sensitive to "meanness"! Our rule is working! They are cheering each other on and laughing and screaming the whole time! They're very patient when they wait for their turn too!

So that is probably what I will go to sleep to tonight; screaming and cheering and stomping. They're having a great time with each other. :)


  1. I hate that tank game. But the kids love it. I like the cow racing and the target practice.

    We also have raving rabids (the first one) and I must say I finally found some rhythm. I win most of the time and the kids hate it. Mainly because I stink at the TV party one and they love to beat me.

    We had to set up some rules similar to that too. Brown Bear tends to gloat when he wins and it make everyone else frustrated.

  2. It's so wonderfulthat they're all having fun and being supportive of one another!

  3. hey, I like that cheering on rule - I could use that philosophy in MANY AREAS around my house - thanks!


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