Thursday, October 23, 2008

Still working with the pictures

Okay, see, I have Linux instead of Windows. I really, really LOVE it, but since everything is so Windows-friendly (an evil plot formed by Microsoft to increase their sales and dominate the computer world!!!!!), I am having a difficult time getting all my pictures onto my computer. That is why I haven't blogged about it yet. I have almost all of them on my computer now, but I need to clear up some disk space so I can edit and save them. (sigh) I am actually learning some technical stuff on the computer while trying different things to get my system to read the Windows Vista-saved CD. (I have learned that I have the problem because of Vista!!! Grrr!!!!)
So I know you are all just DYING to see our vacation pictures. There are some really awesome ones! It won't be much longer now. :)

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