Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I had to charge my phone today in the van because I couldn't find the other charger (haven't unpacked everything yet). So Jacob went outside with me and looked through the few remaining snacks that were still in the van. He chose a microwaveable Mac & Cheese (which was actually his daddy's) and waited patiently for me to get off the phone.

His patience eventually ran out and he left me by myself. The thought briefly crossed my mind that he may try to make it himself, but I dismissed it and finished up my conversation.

I opened the door a few minutes later to the sickening smell of something burning. Yep, he had put it in the microwave, and several minutes later it was still going strong!!! I walked into the kitchen just as he opened the door. There were still over 20 minutes left! LOL! It was a big, black mess. The smoke was so incredibly thick. He hadn't put any water in it at all. I thought he would at least do that much!

So the funny part is that when Myles arrived home a few minutes later, the three of us were in the kitchen as I was explaining everything to him. Myles started laughing, and when Jacob saw that he wasn't mad about it, he decided to speak up.

With the sweetest smile and voice you can imagine, he looked up at Myles and said, "I made it for YOU, Daddy."

Maybe you just had to be there, but it was so cute and funny. :)

I opened up a bag of ginger cookies (also left over from our trip) and let them all share it. At least he couldn't burn those!


  1. it's funny how God sometimes will give us these little inklings ... and we think "no ... nah" - lol! that's pretty funny - glad you got in there before it caught fire or something! that's too cute what he said, I can see Jericho saying something like that - fun age!

  2. That's so funny! And scary, too!
    Welcome home - look forward to hearing all about the trip.

  3. how funny! I remember one time I told Sammy 2 minutes in the microwave for something, and she thought I said 20! I know what you mean about an icky, stinky mess! So, did Myles +try+ Jacob's creation? lol!


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