Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday activities

This year all of our activities are in two days. So tonight we started with ballet. Jayla is a little nervous being the youngest and tiniest one, but she loves it! Nevermind the boots....she changed just before class began. :) This is her first year in a "real" ballet class, not a "little kid" ballet/tap class. We'll see how she handles it, but so far so good!


Next was Girl Scouts (Jayla is the only one wearing her blue tunic!)


and Cub Scouts. (Jonathan is on the right with no hat, Jacob is two to his right facing the camera....he was in and out a couple of times.)


These are both at the same time and same location! This is Jayla's first year for GS after trying American Heritage Girls last year (we loved it but it didn't work out well with our schedule) and Jonathan's 3rd year for CS.

Thankfully there is a nice playground outside for the two younger boys.




Jack decided grass really doesn't taste as good as it looks,


but the climbing was totally awesome!


And I just HAD to get some close-ups of their cute little faces before it got too dark. (I don't like to use the flash.) It's amazing what a little editing can do. Don't they just make you melt? :)





  1. oh I just love the look of black & white with one color item ... I wish I could do that! my editing is VERY basic, it's just what's available with my photo "program" on my computer ... I had downloaded picasa - but my computer eventually said something about a trojan linked to it, so I deleted it :(
    Very cute pics - looks like fun!

  2. Beautiful kids!
    We did ballet with two of our little girls last year - never again! It was way to hard dragging everyone around. :-)
    Know she will love it, though!


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