Monday, November 3, 2008

Sharing a blog

I just stumbled upon this blog that I wanted to share with you. This lady is quite offensive in some of her posts......I LOVE IT!!!!! :)

Okay, that probably sounds wrong. LOL! I don't think she is out to offend people and make them mad on purpose, but she is passionate about certain topics and not afraid to say so! Like me, only I wish I was more bold. She has a great sense of humor too.

Now, I haven't looked at her entire site yet, so I can't make a blanket statement that I love her whole site......but the parts I have read so far are great! I love it enough to post it here! :)

Some of the topics that she blogs about are attachment parenting, baby wearing (slings, etc.), breastfeeding, cosleeping, elimination communication, frugality, gentle discipline, baby sign language, UNSCHOOLING......and a few more! It looks like I may have a lot in common with someone else in the world after all! LOL!

Ah, I know there are many more crunchy people out there......somewhere. I just don't know anyone quite as crunchy as me IRL. Well, maybe a couple, but no one that I see on a regular basis, at least.


  1. You're hilarious. I'm so honored to be offensive and enjoyed!! :) I'm definitely not that brave in real life, which is why it's fun to write. ;)

    I'm really loving your site as well. I took the crunchy granola quiz, and we do part-time EC, too. When I drop terms like that in normal company, I get blank looks. It's fun to find people who have things in common!! Yea!

  2. Hey! Thanks for the comment! :) I haven't had a chance yet to look at your blog more, but I've got you on my reader, so expect more comments soon! :) It's great to "meet" you!!!!


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