Thursday, November 20, 2008

A moment in our lives

Right now we have just finished up breakfast.

Jayla isn't feeling too well, so she is laying down and watching cartoons. She ate breakfast, so I guess that's a good sign!

Jacob is building tracks and bridges with his train tracks. He has had them all over the living room this week. Myles showed him how to use the couch cushions to support a track and build a bridge from the couch to the cushions, so now he uses anything and everything he can find to support a bridge, and they go all around the room!

Jonathan is reading. He has been reading a LOT lately, mostly nature books. He just told me all about how gravity works and about mass. I didn't realize he knew so much about that stuff! LOL! He is also constantly telling me about some kind of animal, where they live, what they eat, etc.

Jack is drumming with a piece of track and standing by the heater (no worries, it is not hot to the touch!). He giggles when he first gets next to it. :) So now we have all four of them fighting over 2 heaters! (sigh) He is also drumming ON Noah's (the turtle) aquarium. He wants to get a closer look but I have it guarded so he won't touch the light. It is indeed hot! He can't reach it though. :)

So that is our little moment of our day. Next we are about to do some cleanup, but I also promised Jacob he could play computer games. If I have time later today, we may make some play-dough. That's always a big hit! I just need to find that "perfect" recipe and the icing coloring.....

1 comment:

  1. oooh - make edible playdough! I've yet to try to make it, saw it on my fave show a while back ... it's peanut butter, flour, and something else I think! if you try it - let me know what you think of it!


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