Saturday, November 22, 2008

Catching up

Okay, I think this was from two weeks ago. We went to the Lowe's Build-and-Grow kids workshop. Jonathan has been before but I don't think the others have, so it's been a while! I've already signed them up for the December one, which will be gingerbread houses. They look so cute!

In case you can't see the picture very well, you can click to enlarge, but it is Jimmie Johnson's (NASCAR driver) hauler and car. The kids had a blast making them. I was helping Jacob and Jayla both, and we were ahead of Myles and Jonathan for a while! They've really had a lot of fun playing with these. I wish I'd gotten a side picture, but Jonathan took this one and another of them upside down. LOL!
As sad as this may be, I believe this is the only picture I got of Jacob on his birthday! If you look closely you can see that he is standing in Jack's walker and holding it up. That silly kid!
I can't believe he is already four years old! He keeps us in stitches but is still also in that trying stage. He's maturing though, I can see it nearly every day. Just the last couple of days he has eagerly helped clean up his toys and has also shown a lot of kindness to Jayla since she has been feeling a little under the weather. He has been so sweet to her. :)

So for his birthday, we started the evening with a birthday gift scavenger hunt. We wrote clues down that he had to figure out on his own and follow until he reached his gift! He received Cranky the Crane (Thomas the Train toy) the night before, and then for the hunt he tracked down the games of Perfection and Uno and also a pirate dress-up set! He loved that the most, of course! What little boy wouldn't? :) Then we went to his favorite pizza place as a family. It was the same place as last year, and he even got a birthday balloon hat like last year, from the same balloon guy. Afterward, Daddy wanted to take him to pick out a gift from him and he wanted him to choose something that went with Cranky the Crane, so he chose Jeremy the Jet plane with the airport. Now he can connect the two together with the tracks. That is pretty much all we did, but he had a blast and is loving his new toys.

Jonathan lost a third tooth! He has only lost three on the bottom, which is weird to me. I thought number 3 and 4 would be the two on the top! Oh, and when it first came out, I commented on a "pool of blood" and a huge gaping hole, so he called it a 4-star hotel. LOL! I have no idea why he said that, but it was funny, for some weird reason!
I think I'll save the Girl Scout camp for a separate post, and I'll try to get to it in the next few minutes. :)

1 comment:

  1. all sounding fabulous, crazy that our kids are four and coming up to four (mine) - and mine is very trying these days too, but somehow still such a delight??? lol!!! wow - only tooth number three lost, goodness - Annicka's lost eight - of course, she lost her first at 5 1/2 - I've heard the longer they keep their baby teeth, the better ... so that's awesome for you! God bless


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