Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pictures from voting

Here are the kids, experiencing election day first-hand! I am so glad Jonathan wore Jack in the mei tai! I don't mind doing it, I actually love it, but it just made my life a little easier since I had to keep an eye on Jacob among the crowd of strangers!
And a close-up of Jonathan and Jack. :) Isn't this so sweet and cute?!
As we were walking out, Jayla said, "That's it?! That's how you vote? That's all you have to do?" She just couldn't believe it was so quick and easy.


  1. I love that - what a sweet big brother!

  2. Aww!! That's so great. We brought our baby along to vote, and I wore him on my back -- I hope we can continue the trend when we have more. It was so funny, because he kept looking over my shoulder into the carrel of the lady voting next to me. (There are no curtains.) I wanted to comment on it to her somehow -- like, "Sorry, he's always cheating off people" or "He wants you to vote Smith for school board," but I thought it might freak her out even more than being stared at the whole time. ;)

  3. That's too cute! :) It probably would have freaked her out, but it would have been funny! LOL!


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