Friday, June 5, 2009

Think! Week #41 solution!

Click on the button to view the original challege.

The items to use. We don't eat much cereal, but I found some similar boxes to substitute. :)
brainstorming and trying different things
getting a plan togethernearly done!
now just need to add the mast

trying to make it as tall as possible and adding more tape for strength so the straws won't bend

now for the moment of truth......

It floats!!!
Jack is a smart little guy! He went to get his own boat to join in the floating fun!

The mast is 40" tall and the boat floats! Yea! :)

At the end of this video Jonathan was saying that it was sinking, but he was just playing. It floats very well! I had to help them more than I wanted to, but for their first Think! challenge I thought they did very well! I'm hoping that Jonathan gets into this more though since I had him in mind when planning this. I really thought he would enjoy it more but he just wanted to go play. Jayla loved it though and is really looking forward to doing this every week!


  1. YEA!!! USS Unschooling floats! :)
    Looks like fun!

  2. I don't know why but the comment part isn't showing on the last post you made so I'll comment here.
    What happened to the kittens???? Are you going to let us know?
    I hope the parties were good. Can't wait to see the pics!


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