Saturday, June 27, 2009

Doughnut Kids

I don't think I ever posted this picture. This was taken at Krispy Kreme (bet ya couldn't figure that one out!) on National Doughnut Day. Jacob really racked up the free doughnuts. He asked for a second one when I wasn't paying attention, then he just walked up and grabbed a cup of doughnut holes and helped himself! I offered to pay for them, but the guy working told me not to worry about it, that happens a lot. He was cool. :) But, I didn't want Jacob "rewarded" for his behavior, so he didn't get to finish them, and I gave them to the other kids. Which ended up working well anyway since (whiny voice) they didn't get another doughnut but Jacob di-i-i-i-id! (sigh)

We met some friends there that we don't get to see often, so it was a fun time! We got to catch up a little while the kids played and enjoyed watching the doughnuts through the large window as they were being made. I'm glad this is only once a year though, because doughnuts are just not my "thing". But I guess one free one a year is okay. It was definitely worth spending time with friends! :)


  1. how fun - and what a cute pic of the four of them! I totally "missed" doughnut day, bummer!

  2. AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW look at those lil donught dumplins! Too cute!


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