Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Jack update

Jack-Jack is such a little stinker! I guess he is probably at that "terrible two" stage, but it's not bad at all. (My kids have all been fairly laid-back.) He does try his limits, but he is learning what no means, and we really have to watch him for his own safety as he explores his little, growing world!

Jack has always loved to sing. It's so cute to hear him sing along as Jayla practices her song for the banquet. He even hums (ON KEY!!!) to the vacuum cleaner! He loves to dance too, so he will often sing and dance at the same time.

He also loves to play with Legos and K'Nex. We give him just a handful when my mom comes to do her teaching with Jayla (for reading), and they keep his hands busy for quite a while. I can't decide yet if he is really "into" them as much as Jacob, but he definitely likes them a lot! He loves to read though too, so Jonathan has been reading to him a lot at night lately as we are trying to transition him into the other bedroom. Jonathan reads him to sleep, then sometimes he stays in there all night while other times (like last night) he comes back to our room in the middle of the night. I enjoy the cuddles, so I don't mind! :)

Jack's speech therapy is going well! Sometimes I wish he would progress a little faster, but he is making progress, and I love that he signs most of the common words, so we can still communicate pretty well. He only says (clearly) a handful of words. I'm sure if I counted, it would probably surprise me, so I'll guess maybe around 50? He is still pretty hard to understand though, so I'm not sure about that.

I am looking for a smaller tricycle for Jack so he can ride with his brothers and sister! The one he did have has a worn wheel from Jacob (it is flat on one side), but it was too big for him anyway. He loves riding Jacob's Rip Rider, but it is bigger than the other one, so he mostly just scoots around on it. I am wanting something he can learn to pedal on, but I don't want to pay full price for a brand  new one!

Jack hasn't had any seizures in a while (praise God!!), so we have not had any more doctor visits in a couple of months. His next genetics appointment is in July. We still have not noticed any sweating, but his ears will turn red when he gets hot! I will update when we find out something about all this stuff!!

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