Sunday, January 25, 2009


Okay, just one more that I couldn't resist posting right now. :)

Whether you are an Obama supporter or not, doesn't it make your hair stand on end when you see everyone seemingly worshipping the guy? I don't believe he's the anti-Christ or anything like that, but it's really creepy the way people idolize him. Many seem to believe he is the answer to all of America's problems.

But it's not just about him, I've noticed over the last few years how our society is becoming more easily swayed into government controlling everything we do. So many people believe that all children should be educated the same way and learn the same things, so the government is slowly taking away our rights as parents to educate our own children the way we feel is best. The poor expect a handout everywhere they turn because they "deserve" the same amount that Mr. X gets. Whatever. I'm all for helping the needy, don't get me wrong (I am very needy myself at times!), but there are ways out, especially here in America, without government intervention.

It all sounds good on the surface. People have great ideas and good intentions, but it's really creepy the way everyone seems to just follow the crowd without questioning where they intend to end up, or looking back into history to see where things like this have led in the past.

I recently watched Expelled. This is a perfect example of how Christians are slowly losing the battle (but we know we'll win the war!) in one area. To be a true Christian and to do what is right in God's eyes, we must be a non-conformist! I John talks about how the world will hate us and persecute us. It also talks about how we are to help our brothers, and if more Christians would focus more on helping their spiritual family rather than the entire world, then Christians wouldn't "need" government intervention!

Check out the eery video by Harpo Productions.

See, it sounds good, right? It sounds great! So what's the problem? It is so humanistic. There is no faith in God here. In fact, I am quite sure many of these people are probably even Athiest or some type of "politically correct" religion, not wanting to offend anyone.

Yet, in light of eternity, our lives are just a blink, and so many people use this short time we have here chasing things like saving the whales while at the same time doing stem cell research and killing babies. Or they promote peace and doing "good deeds" while hating radical fundamentalists who are simply standing up for what we believe in.....same as they are!

I could go on all night, but I'll stop there and leave one more video to stir up some thought. This one is sort of an extended, more detailed expression of my view on homeschooling, plus more!

Be a non-conformist, but more importantly, teach your children to stand up for the truth in all things! They will likely have children of their own someday who also need to be taught the truth and to oppose worldly influences.

Our purpose in all we do, whether it is saving whales or eating dinner with our family, should be to glorify God. He is worthy. No one else is, that's for sure!


  1. wow wow wow your post today has moved myself and my husband! Thank you! May I link your blog in my blog? Thank you so much and please, write more posts like this!

  2. Wow. I totally agree with your post. I had written about concerns I have a couple days ago. I'm going to show this video to my dh. Thanks. Holly

  3. Sure! Link away, Kat! :) This is something that has really been on my heart lately, so you may see more similar posts well as a lot of personal posts about vacation, Christmas, etc. I want to do it now, but I don't have time....but soon!

    Thanks, Holly. It's very interesting, huh? So many people are just blinded. It's sad.

  4. So true, so true - every word of what you said. It's scary how people are conforming to what one person or one group of people's makes me ever-the-more proud of the fact that my mister is a nonconformist through-and-through! :o) It makes ME stronger knowing that he and I share the same ideals and opinions on most every topic - not to say that we never disagree, just that it isn't typical. Sending my love and support - and great job baby Jack! :o)



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