Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Runt

This poor little thing is just so sweet! She is less than half the size of the other puppies! She seems to be growing and fairly healthy, but we keep her inside a lot now so she can get more to eat and more attention. She is just so small! So small, in fact, that she just can't keep warm, so she likes to sit in front of our heater in the hallway.

Jonathan told me that she also likes to sit in front of the heater when she is out in the garage, and when it goes off automatically, she walks away. When it comes back on, she gets right back in front of it! What a smart little girl!

If we didn't already have dogs, I might consider keeping her. She is just too sweet, and we are becoming very attached. I'm not sure how big she will get, but she will make someone a very good, snuggly pet. I'll definitely make sure it is someone who can give her plenty of attention and maybe even keep her indoors!


  1. Just now getting caught up! The puppies are so cute.

    I am so glad that Jack is feeling better. Hopefully the docs will be able to help you know what is wrong and how to help with the seizures.


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