Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fun For Nothin'

I found a blog this morning (by following links on other blogs I am subscribed to) that I just love! I am enjoying the whole blog, but this is the first entry I read from it. Click on the button to go there.

This is just simple ideas of how to have fun with things you already have, like a rope or a box or maybe some pieces of wood! Check it out, and please leave me some comments with your own ideas! I am SOOOO wanting to just ditch all of the toys we have right now and play with "natural" toys that we already have. This makes me think of the book, "Little House on the Prairie" where they use stones and leaves to have a tea party. Fun!

1 comment:

  1. I am an avid toy hater. My kids hardly have any and everybody wants to know what they play with all day.

    We do have legos, dress-up clothes, and dolls. Those things seem to spark their imagination. We also have lots of drawing stuff and play-dough stuff.

    One thing that has lasted since Brown Bear was little is a mud kitchen. Right now we have a little tykes (i think?) that was given to us in mint condition. Not so much anymore. But they play with it almost everyday they are outside. They have some of my old pots and pans and speckleware.

    I will have to check that site out!


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