Sunday, July 26, 2009

Changes in my teaching style.....

I know it's been nearly 3 weeks since my last post, but we have had a LOT going on around here, including buying a brand new Chevrolet HHR! I know the price was higher and we have more debt, BUT we were able to get cash back to pay off our stinkin' credit cards once and for all, and the car payments are a set amount for a set time, then we're debt-free!!!! Well, except for the house, but then we'll roll everything over to the mortgage and kick that out of our lives too!

We have also had some personal things going on, some good, some not so much, but we know that all things work together for good to those who love God who are called according to His purpose. And that has been some of it, we are growing in the LORD and understand more what His call is and what it means! And sometimes growing hurts, but it's for the best!

One of the things I am excited about though is our upcoming "school year". We are still going to have sort of an "unschooly" approach, but we will have a little table time, a little more structured work, mostly for MY sake (I never thought I'd say that). I am very excited though because I am just going to plan out my own "lessons" each day using the Bible as the textbook! We may not use it exclusively, but I don't really want to add other things in, so we'll use it as exclusively as possible. And what I mean by that is we probably won't focus much on American or state history, for example, but more on world history straight from the Bible! :) Spelling, reading and grammar should be easy to take from it, writing will mostly be copying verses and science will begin with Creation, of course! THERE'S an awesome way to use all those begots and ages! :) Lots of possibilities for art of all kinds, geography should be a cinch to take from all of the countries mentioned (and we can even use those cool maps in the back of the Bible!), health....lots of health laws and healthy foods mentioned many times (and we can incorporate nutrition facts easily), economics should be fun, and most importantly, "Bible class" will be woven throughout everything! We will be focusing on some doctrines though as well as Scripture memorization. I also want to find a fun way to use Scripture to help learn the alphabet and learn to read! Fun, huh? :)

I will try to update as we go along. The older ones will obviously do more and understand more, but I think I will just teach all 4 of them together. It should be a lot of fun! We will still be pretty relaxed about it, so if someone is having a bad day or if we have to go somewhere and miss a day, it shouldn't be a big deal. We can just pick up next time where we left off. We will also continue to learn in everything we do, and I do not intend to completely separate each "subject" since they will likely all intertwine some, but we will have themes or some kind of order to it.

I am really looking forward to this new adventure though! My kids already seem so smart and are very sweet, loving people, but sometimes they just need a challenge or some kind of change, so this is it! And they are excited as well!


  1. sounds great! I look forward to hear about just exactly what you do and how they enjoy it!

  2. Cindy,
    I wrote a very long reply, then I accidentally deleted it! Now I can't seem to word it right. However, please, please, keep writing about this as you go through your school year. I'm eager to see how this goes!

    I've been reading through your other posts, too, by the way. I think your blog is fabulous!



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