This message is for my fellow brothers and sisters in the Messiah.
Don't ya love it when someone makes false accusations about you, then you try to defend yourself with TRUTH and present FACTS, and they turn it around and say you are not "acting biblically"? Gotta love people who throw "religious words" around to sound more spiritual. <rolling eyes>
Honestly, those kinds of people always annoyed me when I was in the church. It just seems forced and fake.
This same "friend" was giving me problems a couple of weeks ago. She deleted me as administrator of a group *without my knowledge* after telling me we would work things out. Long story short, I had to block her AND her emails because the false accusations continued, so I have no idea if she has emailed again or not. I guess it's all for the better.
I am so SICK of people playing the "holier than thou" card and throwing in some religious lingo to make it all sound perfectly "biblical". Like that justifies their actions?! This person was so incredibly rude to me and deeply hurt me on a very personal level, yet I am the one who is acting unbiblically. Wow.
Friends, if I ever try to play this game on you, SLAP ME. I am no better than any one of you, and I still have a lot to learn. If I ever make you feel like a horrible mother, child, friend, etc. shake me to the core. Tell me exactly what I have done in plain English. I know what the Scriptures say, so the Holy Spirit can and will convict me, just as many times in the past.
But at the same time, if you're going to accuse me of something, make sure you know all the facts and have witnesses, if necessary. That is one thing this person didn't have. She had no witnesses and was accusing me of something I knew NOTHING about. FAIL.
At first I was hopeful I would be able to reconcile this "friendship", but after seeing how haughty she truly is, I'm not so sure now. I am still hurt, but trying to keep it in perspective and realizing that SHE was not acting biblically really helps me to know that the things she said about me really hold no water. I know she was assuming things about me that were not true, but I still have no idea how it all even started. I have an idea though that there were some seeds planted through gossip, as one of her good friends doesn't like me (never has, no explanation). I don't think this person is an active part of gossiping, at least not intentionally (wow, still giving her credit after what she did to me!), but those seeds can still be planted when someone else just makes a comment here and there.
Control the tongue, people! And that includes in text form! Sometimes emails, blogs, facebook, etc. can be really bad for communicating such things, and I have been guilty of this myself. Sometimes it's just easier to type it out, but it can get really ugly, really fast. That was how this all started and ended, and the damage has been done. We both have a copy of what was said (not good on either part.....but especially not for her!), and we could not see facial expressions, body language, hear tone of voice, etc. I definitely think it could have been worked out if we had talked in person right away, I just had no idea she was harboring all these (wrong) ill feelings for me!
I guess, all this to say, be REAL and stop throwing around a verse here and there or some "religious lingo" just to make it sound like you are in the right and the other person is wrong. GROW UP. Truth be told, you're probably both in the wrong, but just concentrate on your own actions/words. Know the facts, have witnesses and STOP GOSSIPING.
What a horrible witness we are when we can't even get along with each other!
The end. I hope.