Friday, April 6, 2012

Passover and Unleavened Bread

Now, I know there are all different opinions on who, what, when, where, why and HOW. What's that saying? If you have 10 people, you'll have 11 different opinions, or something like that (I totally don't remember at all, but you get the idea). Well, this is MY blog, so I am going to share MY opinion. :)

A 24-hour day is rendered from sunup to sunup, not from sundown to sundown (more on this later). Today is the 14th day of the first biblical month, and after sunset tonight it will still be the 14th, so tonight is Passover (ALL of the Scriptures fit this way). Pesach is not an entire day, but an evening meal.

Ex. 12:15 - We are to eat unleavened bread with the meal, and the *following* 7 days are the days of unleavened bread, when we do not eat it or have any leaven in our homes. We are to remove any leaven from our homes on the first day. (Personally, we remove all leavening agents, but some just remove yeast, as that is the only thing they had when the command was given.)
Ex. 12:8 - The Passover meal itself only needs to have 3 foods: lamb, unleavened bread (matzah) and bitter herbs (maror).

Ex. 12:11 - We also should eat it in a way that we are prepared to run out the door, so to speak, not reclining on a pillow just chilling out.
Ex. 12:3,6 - We should slaughter a lamb on the 14th day at evening that we have kept since the 10th day.

You are welcome to have a different view, and who knows, maybe I will look back on this post one day and smile, seeing how much MORE I have learned and grown. Or maybe you will. Or maybe we BOTH will! :) The point is, right now we are all going to have different understandings, and I respect that. Won't it be nice when Yeshua comes back and sets us all straight?! :)

There is so much more to this, so many more things yet to learn, but I just wanted to share these thoughts for now. I will share more later on when the 24-hour period of times begins.

So whatever you believe about the who, what, when, where, why and how......enjoy YHWH's Passover. It is a memorial, a reflection of what Yeshua has done for us, and a reminder of how much He sacrificed for us. This day is NOT about us or what we believe, it is YHWH's Pesach, not ours. So let's do this for Him, because we love Him. ((((HUGS)))) Shalom.

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