Friday, May 6, 2011

50 Reasons to Keep the Sabbath

Shabbat (the Sabbath) is one of the most delightful things YHVH has provided for us, the day of rest. I will list below 50 reasons why we should keep this wonderful day.
YHVH has established it. (Gn 2:2,3 and Ex 20:11)
It’s a specific day: The Seventh. (Ex 20:9-11)
It was made in favor of men. (Mk 2:27)
It’s one of the Ten Commandments. (Ex 20:11)
YHVH has blessed the Shabbat. (Gn 2:3 and Ex 20:11)
YHVH has sanctified the Shabbat. (Gn 2:3 and Ex 31:15)
It reminds us of His goodness. (Ex 23:12 and Dt 5:15)
It expresses His favor. (Ne 9:14)
It’s a sign of our covenant with Him. (Ex 31:13,17)
It’s a shadow of the Millenia with Yeshua. (Hb 4:4,9)
Yeshua is the Lord of the Shabbat. (Mk 2:28)
Yeshua kept the Shabbat. (Lk 4:16)
Yeshua taught on the Shabbat. (Lk 4:31 and 6:6)
It’s a rest for the servants. (Ex 20:10 and Dt 5:14)
It’s a rest from the secular life. (Ex. 20:10 and Lv 23:3)
It’s a rest for the body. (Ne 13:19 and Jr 17:21)
It’s a day for worshiping YHVH. (Ez 46:3 and Ac 16:13)
It’s a day for reading the Scriptures. (Ac 13:27 and 15:21)
It’s a day for preaching the Word. (Ac 13:14, 15:44, 17:2 and 18:4)
It’s a day for working for the Kingdom. (Nu 28:9, Mt 12:5 and Jn 7:23)
It’s a day for exercising mercy. (Mt 12:12, 13:16 and Jn 7:23)
It’s called Shabbat of the Lord. (Ex 20:10, Lv 23:3 and Dt 5:14)
It’s called Shabbat of rest. (Ex 31:15)
It’s called the holy day of the Lord. (Is. 58:13)
YHVH’s chosen ones keep it. (Ne 13:22)
It’s an honor to Him. (Is 58:13)
The chosen ones rejoice on the Shabbat. (Ps 118:24 and 58:13)
The chosen ones testify against its violation. (Ne 13:15-18,20,21 and Jr 17:27)
The Shabbat is perpetual. (Ex 31:16 and Mt 5:17,18)
Blessed are those who honor it. (Is 58:13,14)
Blessed are those who keep it. (Is 56:2,6)
The wicked profane the Shabbat. (Ne 13:17, Is 56:2, Ez 20:13-16 and 22:8)
The wicked find the Shabbat a burden… (Am 8:5)
… and do whatever they pleasure on it. (Is 58:13)
The wicked don’t rest on the Shabbat. (Ne 13:15)
The wicked work on the Shabbat. (Ne 13:15)
The Shabbat is called the Day of the Lord. (Rv 1:10)
Yeshua hasn’t abolished the Shabbat. (Mt 5:17-18)
Moses kept the Shabbat. (Nu 15:32-34)
Neemiah kept the Shabbat. (Ne 13:15,21)
Yeshua’s disciples kept it… (Ac 16:13)
… as well as the women. (Lk 23:56)
Paul also kept the Shabbat. (Ac 13:14)
The Shabbat has existed since the creation. (Gn 2:2-3)
The Shabbat can’t be changed. (Dt 4:2)
The spirit of the beast has changed the Shabbat. (Dn 7:25)
The Shabbat will be kept in Yeshua’s Kingdom. (Is 66:23)
The Shabbat is for everyone, not only for the Jews. (Is 56:2-7)
Biblical references where YHVH changed the Shabbat to Sun-day: Zero.
Yeshua’s followers keep the commandments. (Rv 12:17)

The 10 Commandments: Rome X The Bible

The Bible: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.” (Ex 20:8)
Rome: “Keep the sun-days and the church’s holidays.” (The 10 Commandments: Catechism of the Catholic Church)

Who will you follow?

Shabbat Shalom!

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