Thursday, December 2, 2010

What a week!

I've got lots more pictures to add here. Joe has been such a joy to us! This has been quite a week though. Between hormones, sickness, pain and lack of sleep, I am a bit overwhelmed right now!

Tuesday was our first day home from the hospital. I was feeling pretty good over all and had lots of energy that morning, but then I noticed a "crackling" noise when I breathed. There was something in my lungs! The one and only time I noticed this before was when I had pneumonia after Jacob was born, and as the day went on, I was determined not to let it get as bad this time as it did then. So I called the doctor and told them what my symptoms were, and they called in some prescriptions for me! I was so thankful! When I had this before, I thought I was going to DIE, and I may have if I had waited any longer to get to the doctor! The symptoms and the timeline this time are exactly the same as right after Jacob was born. Also, I had the same doctor and hospital, and they were both born in November. I'm not really sure if there is a reason this happened or if it was just "coincidence" that both instances have so much in common, but I am trying to see if there is a link somehow. I didn't get sick after my 2nd c/s, and all the circumstances were different. Hmm.....

So later that evening I did have a low-grade fever, but the next morning I was starting to feel a little better. Then I discovered, after having a 10-pound baby, that I had only lost a couple of pounds! UGH! So I called the doctor again and they called in another prescription for Lasix, and it is working!

Also on Wednesday, Jack was starting to feel bad. He had that "croupy" cough and didn't want to eat, he just wanted me to hold him. We had him in bed with us so we could keep an eye on him, and then shortly after midnight, he had a seizure! His breathing had become pretty labored over just a few hours, so Myles took him to the ER. He woke Jonathan up and took him with them, mostly for the car ride (to keep an eye on Jack).

So here we are today, keeping a close eye on Jack while trying to keep him separated from Joe. Half of us were up most of the night, so it is going to be a long day. I am managing pain, which is getting better, and the meds for pneumonia seem to be helping, but I am just overwhelmed right now! I am trying to be positive, but I can't help but wonder what will happen next? Whatever it is, good or bad, I know that God is in control and He still loves us. We will still praise His name forever!

One bright spot in the week....a friend from church took some awesome pictures of Joe last night! She has her own photography business, and she gave us a photo shoot as a gift from her to us. We have never had newborn pics before, and they were so sweet! She did such an awesome job with them, and I can't wait to see the end results!!!

Here are more snap shots from the week, then I think we'll be caught up.....on the last week, at least.

Still at the hospital.....

Jayla spent the last night there with us, so we had a girls' night, with snacks, a movie and plenty of baby holding!

Jayla had some fun with the camera..

My little engineer, trying to figure out how this works.

My friend, April!

New t-shirts! I only finished 2 of the 5 so far.

About to go home.....

From Myles' work!

Finally home!

Got milk?


  1. Did you like Robin? We love her but we are slightly biased. lol I am dying to see your little guy, but we really need to wait until you give us the all clear because we can't bring something back to my grandma.:(

    When you guys are better let me know because we still want you guys to come for the snowman thing.

    Love ya'll!

  2. oh my goodness - is he cute or what! and that pic of them all in their shirts is TOO stinkin cute! I can't believe you did the shirts yourself - how hard was that?! I love all the pics! sorry to hear you've had a hard week ... I can relate to feeling overwhelmed and I only have four and not a newborn or all the "sickies" :c I'll be praying for you!


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