Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well, I have finally been sucked in, and I admit, I love it! Pinning things to Pinterest is so much faster and easier than blogging, even though it isn't exactly the same thing. I love that we can follow others and kind of keep up with our friends in their interests when I can't always keep up with their blogs. My blog is mostly about my family, so if you happen to just be interested in the same things I am but don't necessarily want to keep up with my family (sniff, sniff), go to this link and follow ME on Pinterest! My boards (so far) are all about homesteading, homeschooling, DIY projects, really cool houses (like cob, underground, etc.) and things like that, some we have done and some we want to do. I hope you enjoy my pins!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your pins! I actually need to go and look at your boards and see what I have missed the last few days... I get anxiety over what I might be missing... this is ADDICTION. LOL


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