Friday, May 21, 2010

2010 Homeschool Olympics

Here are the races from the 2010 Homeschool Olympics the kids were in yesterday! This is the order they were done in. There was one race I did not get on video because I was talking to a friend and not paying attention (bad mommy!), and it just happened to be the 50 yard hurdles that Jayla won 2nd place in!

*Look for kelly green shirts in the videos.....all of my kids were wearing them so they'd be easier to find!

Jayla - 50 yard dash

Jonathan - 50 yard dash

Jonathan - 100 yard dash

Jonathan - 50 yard hurdles

Jayla - Sack race.....4th place!!

Jayla - Kangaroo race

Jonathan - Bean bag throw

Jonathan - Soccer kick.....4th place, his first placement in all 5 years!!!

Jayla - Jump rope marathon

Jayla - Hula hoop marathon.....1st place, for the 3rd year in a row for this little hula hoop queen!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful time! So glad that your kids are having fun...they always look like it! :) Hope you and baby are both coming along well - have a great weekend!


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