Tuesday, February 2, 2010

New Family Portraits!

A photographer friend took some great pictures of us on Sunday. Here are a few of my favorites!

Jonathan, 9 years old (We're still trying to figure out the longer hair style!)

Jayla, 7 years old

Jacob, 5 years old

Jack, 2 years old - There were too many good ones of him to choose from. :)


  1. Cindy - I LOVE these! and how cool to have family pics in the snow - not everyone has that, so it's super cool! Your kids are getting so big and they're all just so cute!

  2. What a gorgeous family!! Stunning pics. Holly

  3. Wow! VERY NICE!!!!!! GREAT pics!

  4. Uh, do you realize your latest blog post is over 2 months old??!!!!?!!??!?!???!??!?!?!?!??!?! We need more news! We need more news! We need more news! (Hear the mob chanting?)
    Write when you can,


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