Thursday, August 6, 2009

Fun at Zimms Zoo!!!

We had such a fun day today! We haven't really gone out much lately, so when my friend over at Zimms Zoo invited us over, I jumped right at the invitation! She had invited us to swim, but it was rainy this morning. She called to tell me that we could still swim if it stopped raining but the girls were planning a tea party and the boys could play with Legos if it didn't let up. So, I just sort of settled on the tea party and Lego idea since it wasn't very hot.

By the time we finally got over there though, it was bright and sunny and starting to get pretty warm! All the girls immediately started serving food and making tea for their party. They were so cute! They had made fancy cucumber sandwiches, shortbread cookies, cantaloupe balls and some marinated tomatoes with mozzarella cheese. Jayla and "Parrot" were all dressed up, ready for their fancy tea time together. :)

The boys were so excited to play with Legos, and "Brown Bear" has a TON of them! His personal collection is nearly as big as our homeschool group's Lego Club collection! They made some boats and then were ready to test them out in the pool. (Christy has some really great pictures of the older boys flipping into the water that I will add on here when I get them!)

So we had fun watching them swim for quite a while, then went back in for a little more Lego/tea party/Wii fun and some more chatting. It was nearly FIVE HOURS before we left, and I had no idea! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun!
Oh, and how could I forget to mention this beautiful little girl?! Koala is about 6 months old now and really lights up the room! She is so, SO CUTE! :)

Another great thing about our visit today is that I got to see two other friends who I have not seen in quite a while. A single man (Rocky) from the church we used to attend came over as well as Mrs. Troop, both of whom I have not seen in over two years! I only saw Mrs. Troop for a couple of minutes, but it was still good to see her. I have missed her a lot! She is so sweet and easy to talk to. Lots of wisdom! Her kids are all adorable too.

Rocky.....silly guy!

Thanks again for having us over, Zimms! I'm sure your house is a lot more fun than mine, but we'll definitely have to return the favor soon! And Jayla kept begging me to let her spend the night soon, so we'll have to have a couple of your girls over for that sometime too! :) Fun times!


  1. I showed the pictures of the boys flipping into the pool and it freaked her out just a little. She enjoyed looking at all the pics too.

    She thought Jayla looked like Laura Ingalls Wilder with the sweet freckles and bonnet.

    We had a great time!

  2. I meant to say I showed them to my mom.

  3. How fun!!! What a GREAT family to spend time with! Good for you!!

  4. Hi Cindy, just discoverd your blog and love it. I read your 'coverings' post and found it fasinating as it is something I have pondered over allot. I really felt that I wanted to add my thoughts on this passage of scripture. I am an Anglican Homeschool mommy so symbolism and tradions play an important part in worship in that we are constantly pointed back to God through physical reminders (ie. crossing oneself) From what I can understand, Paul was addressing this issue amongst the woman of the day as it was causing consternation amongst them and taking the focus away from a right relationship with God, in other words, they were bickering amongst themselves over symatics. Wearing a head covering is not going to get you to heaven, it is only through Jesus Christ that we have passage. Having said that, if a head covering is going to make you more mindfull of your calling to be a woman after God's heart, why not? Gods word is rich with tradition, Jesus was brough up in a very traditional Jewish home, so I dont think that it is a bad thing! Would love to see a follow-up post on your blog.


Please respectfully share your own passionate thoughts.