Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Anyone interested?

I recently made an art piece to hang on the wall. It is the Name of the Hebrew God in Ancient (pictorial) Hebrew, Paleo Hebrew and modern Hebrew. I will be the first to tell you, I don't have much experience in the area of art, but I enjoy it! So I wanted to share my work here.

Also, I have had some friends express interest in buying prints. Is this something YOU might be interested in? If so, what size and how much is a reasonable asking price?

*note: I will make a new one with improvements before I make the prints to sell!

Healing anointing oils and GIVEAWAYS!!!!!

I will not get into all the differences between various essential oils and why I feel one is better over the other. There are plenty of other blogs for that. My opinion is that as long as you do your research and get the best quality you can afford, then use what you've got! I believe that YHWH is anointing His people, so we need to set our differences in opinions aside and use them for HIS purpose!!! \o/

So if anyone is looking for Young Living essential oils or other products, please check out my web site if you don't already have a friend or family member who sells it. :)

Oh, and we also have a giveaway going on right now on our Facebook page, so check it out! Actually, there are TWO!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

My Bond-servant Agreement

This is my "public" pledge to be a bond-servant to Yahusha HaMashiach.

To see every word in the bible that uses the word bond-servant:

Hebrew word "ebed"

Greek word "doulos"

I, Cindy (last name kept private), agree to become a bond-servant to Yahusha. I understand that as a bond-servant, I no longer retain any rights of my own, but I will submit to the will of Yahusha, my Master.

The following list contains all the things I lay on the alter, just as Abraham did. I am fully aware that I may never see any of these things ever again. I understand that I will probably be tested, just as Abraham was tested, to see if I am truly willing to give up these things. 
  • husband
  • children
  • parents
  • siblings
  • other family
  • friends
  • job/career/income
  • dreams
  • house
  • cars
  • TV
  • other sources of entertainment
  • personal desires
  • any material possessions
  • everything
I am placing my faith in Yahuah's hands, knowing He will help me in my time of need. I also submit myself to the training process of being a bond-servant, as I have no idea what it truly means, and accept any reproof and correction in order to stay or get back on the right path.

If my husband and/or children are taken from me, I know that He will make sure they are properly cared for.

It is because of my love for Yahuah that I willingly choose to make this covenant. I want to serve Him the rest of my days. I am no longer free, but I freely choose to serve Him. I am His bond-servant.


Cindy (last name kept private)