Friday, August 30, 2013

Weight loss update

I am 9 weeks into my weight loss journey. I haven't stayed perfectly on plan, so the weight has been coming off much slower, but this past week I resolved to do better, and it paid off. I lost 4 pounds this past week!!!! I am getting close to the 20 pound mark, finally, so with no more cheating, I am hoping to reach that by next week. Yay!!!!

I have to say, the idea that fat people eat too much is sooooo blown out of the water! I wasn't eating ENOUGH or often enough, so my metabolism was slow. Now I am eating every 3-4 hours, am hungry all the time, exercise very little and the fat is melting away. I can lose 2 pounds in one day some days, when I stick to the plan, and eating more often is key for me.

Here is a side by side comparison of my face before starting THM at my highest (non-pregnancy) weight ever, and again at 5 weeks. I had lost around 15 pounds at this point. It's not a drastic change, but I can see a difference!!!

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