I want to blog more. I NEED to blog more. But I don't want my YouTube videos to suffer.
So I've come up with a plan.
I'm going to make the two related, at least most of the time, and I'm going to streamline it with themes each day so it won't be difficult to think of something to write. I may just share that day's video on some days, and other days I may have something to share that isn't necessarily homestead related but I want to blog about it. So if all goes as planned, I should have more blog posts than I do videos.
So here's my ideas for themes that I like so far. Help me pick one for each day!
- Service
- Site
- Shout Out
- Survival
- Scholastic
- Memory
- Money Saving
- Minimalist
- Meaningful
- Motivational
- Mailbox
- Mashup
- Mystery
- Miscellaneous
- Tip
- Tasty
- Take Me Back
- Time Hop
- Tutorial
- Wisdom
- Wildcard
- wish List
- Wellness
- WayBack
- Wildlife
- Thoughtful
- Thankful
- Thrifty
- Throwback
- Throw It Out
- Frugal
- Focus
- Follow
- Feature
- Field Trip
I take a break on Saturdays. I don't create blogs or videos, nor do I publish any on this day. We keep the 7th day of the week as the Sabbath day and just rest. :)
So, help me decide on a theme each day, or make more suggestions! Obviously some of them would have the same idea, such as Memory, Time Hop, WayBack and Throwback. I also want to do shout outs, which I could do on every video, but if I did one each week and made a whole video for them, I've got Shout Out, Focus, Feature and site.
Many of these ideas could cover several topics, so that would be easier to work with. I think I'll start looking over the list and just eliminate them one at a time. Miscellaneous might be a good one to keep, or WildCard.
These are the topics I definitely want to cover though:
- Saving money (Frugal, Thrifty, Money Saving), could include debt topics
- Homeschooling / Educational (can include how-tos)
- Shout Outs
- Memories / Flashbacks
- Health topics, which could include DIY cleaners, healthy foods, etc.
- Some kind of DIY topic, which would include crafts, sewing, building things, etc.
- Animals
- Gardening
- Anything relating to prepping or homesteading!
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