Friday, July 3, 2009

Yellow Jackets!!!!!

Jacob and Jayla have both been stung 4 times (they attacked each of them on different days), so we have GOT to get rid of these guys! Anyone have any experience with yellow jacket removal? I'm thinking thick clothing and our powerful shop vac!

Here is a picture of ours. They are right outside on our back porch!

Wow, I was just looking at the picture enlarged (click on image), and there are at least 10 of them. They look pretty scary! All I know is I don't want to be stung by them after hearing Jacob and Jayla scream. :'( That was horrifying! I am so glad they are not allergic!


  1. :'( Poor kiddos! OUCH! I haven't been stung since I was little, but those things hurt! My sister is still scared of all flying stinging insects. I think Yellow Jackets are really the only ones that sting agressively and unprovoked. I might encourage the kids to not freak out around other insects like bees and wasps, just slowly move the other way- it may help them to not be as scared of them when they're older.

  2. And WOW! you weren't kidding... you look at the picture and think that's a big nest and a lot of Yellow Jackets, But when you click on it for the larger view... They just look scary!

  3. Oh poor babies! Can you shoot the nest down with a high-powered water hose and then have someone else with the wasp spray spraying as they fall.

    That is scary to me. I was stung by them once (about 6 times in a row on the head and it hurt for a very long time.) and I am still horribly afraid of stinging insects.

  4. Just so you know, my father-in-law was stung by something when he was growing up and had no reaction so he was told (many years ago when this happened) that he wasn't allergic. As an adult when he got stung, he began to swell up and had to be rushed to the emergency room where he was told that while it is possible to have no severe reaction to a sting, even if you have been stung in the past and had no reaction, the next time can be different. Each time you are stung your body can react differently - you CAN go into anaphylactic shock when you think you are not allergic. Keep those babies safe and I hope you get rid of those nasty little buggers soon!

  5. supposedly we recently had a nest under the trampoline. I didn't see it. John just took some of that wasp killer with the 25 ft spray and killed them. I'm not sure how that worked out but it apparently did b/c i haven't heard another thing about them. None of mine were stung. Oh, your poor babies!....

  6. If you shot them down with water the yellow jackets will come back and rebuild in the exact same spot! We had a nest over our backdoor. It was the perfect spot so we didn't see it until we kept getting them in the house. By the time we saw it it was approximately 10 inches wide. My dad tried to knock it down with water but they started a new one so we had to resort to the poison. Get the kind that shots really far. I don't like to use poison but we couldn't get it to leave.

  7. After a few days of putting it off and just keeping the kids away from the back yard, I finally went out there covered with a thick sleeping bag (LOL!) and holding a very long stick and knocked it down! It didn't take long before they all disappeared, then the next day I smashed the nest with my shoe. It's been a couple of weeks now, and we haven't had problems since then so far! Praise the Lord!


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