Saturday, December 13, 2008

How GREEN are you?

1. Which household material is considered hazardous waste?

A. Metal
B. Plastic Packaging
C. Batteries
D. Spoiled Food

2. When shopping at the mall for the newest fashion trends, what type of bag is the best to use to conserve natural resources and protect the environment?

A. Paper Bag
B. Brown Bag
C. Plastic Bag
D. Recycled cloth bag

3. Over the course of a year what is the amount of the environmental pollution caused by non-biodegradable, synthetic materials that are found in non-organic feminine hygiene products?

A. 1 Million
B. 45 Billion
C. 50 Thousand
D. 100 Million

4. About how many soda cans do you need to recycle to buy that elegant new flat screen you have had your eye on for months?

A. One million
B. Three thousand
C. One thousand

5. To produce your favorite newspaper about how many trees are used?

A. 100,000
B. One million
C. 500,000
D. Two Million

6. Which blonde starlet unwinds every night in a solar powered house?

A. Britney Spears
B. Cate Blanchett
C. Scarlett Johansson
D. Gisele Bundchen

7. Which of the following is a renewable resource?

A. Oil
B. Trees
C. Iron ore

8. Which of the following is the number one cause of tropical deforestation world wide?

A. Wildlife
B. Commercial Loging
C. Clearing of land for agriculture.
D. Gathering of fire wood

9. How much plastic do Americans throw away each hour?

A. 100,000
B. 1 Million
C. 2.5 Million
D. 3 Million

10. In one year, how many trees do Americans use?

A. 850 Million trees annually
B. 100 Million trees annually
C. 15 Million trees annually
D. 965 Million trees annually



How green are you?

You scored 1-3 correct: Florescent Green
You are a florescent green girl. It is very important to become environmentally aware and active for yourself and future generations.

You scored 4-6 correct: Kelly Green
You are a Kelly green girl.You care about the environment, but could become even more educated.

You scored 7-10 correct: Forest Green
You are a forest green girl. You are very aware of environmental issues, and you care about the environment. Keep up the good work! Tell others!

I guessed on a few of these, but I scored a 7!


  1. I got a "4" ... but I don't think knowing who's living in a solar powered house would've actually made me any greener - lol! ... and I'm not good with figures, specially ones I've never heard/seen!

  2. Like everyone reading this blog, I am starting to evaluate my eco-footprint very closely. I'm trying to make significant changes in every aspect of my life- even with my feminine hygiene choices. When I did some research, I learned of the billions of tampons and pads thrown into landfills each year.... and I contributed to some of that! Horrifying! I am now using a The Diva Cup ( It did take a little time to get used to, but now I can honestly say I am NEVER going back to my old products (or old ways!). It's a seemingly small contribution to the planet, but if every woman eventually stopped using "traditional" products, think of the enormous change we could make TOGETHER! I hope the Diva Cup becomes the choice for all women!


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