Friday, September 5, 2008

Frolicky Friday

Frolicky Friday Meme
Whew! We had a blast today! I've made a point to play with the kids more this week, but part of our play time together was because I wanted to play too! We had fun! This week we've played Barbies, cars, matching games, read books together and hula hooped together. I'm still working on that last one. Jayla is a pro!

Specifically today, for Frolicky Friday, we played catch football together, did puzzles, played Barbies....I'm sure there was more. Bubbles! We played outside until it was almost dark. The weather was so great today! One of my favorite things to do with Jack, because his reaction is so cute, is to make funny faces or noises and see if he will imitate me. He just smiles or giggles and tries to do most anything I do. If he doesn't think he can, he just looks at me like I've totally lost it and starts laughing at me. If you could see me acting like a complete idiot, you'd probably think I'd lost it too! :)

They're such a blessing. I am so thankful for the opportunity to play with them any time I want!


  1. good job - I really need to work on my playing skills! I guess you could say "the thrill is gone" for me in that department! Occasionally coloring/drawing or building (with blocks or legos, etc.) sounds fun - but that's about it! sounds like you all had a lot of fun playtime together!

  2. Glad you enjoying your kids! Sounds like a lot of fun.
    The new blog looks great! Still so sorry about the old one. How very frustrating!
    Have a wonderful week!

  3. Thank you so much for visiting my blog! Your kids are adorable! Sounds like you are having a blast!


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